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Massive hike in electricity tariff on cards for Karachi

K-Electric has formally tender a request to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) for increase in electricity tariff for consumers in Karachi.
As per the notification, the power supplier has asked the NEPRA for an increase of Rs5.45 per unit under the monthly Fuel Cost Adjustment.
Specifically, K-Electric has requested an increase of Rs2.53 per unit for May and an additional Rs2.92 per unit for June.
The national power body will review the request in its meeting today.
The outcome of this hearing will determine whether the proposed hike will be approved.
K-Electric’s request is part of the FCA mechanism, which allows power companies to adjust electricity rates based on fluctuations in fuel prices.
The request to increase power tariff came at the time when Karachiites are facing hours-long loadshadding.