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Do you know meaning of specific numbers written on car tyres?

Important information is being provided to readers regarding car tyres which will surely increase their knowledge.
As everyone knows that every tyre has a speed limit and also has an expiry date written on it. This information is printed on the side of the tyre.
But its information is recorded in certain numbers under a certain style and key. To understand it is necessary to understand the indications of these numbers.
For example, if you see “1423” written on a tyre, it means that it was manufactured in the 14th week of the year 2023.
By the way, a normal tyre usually has a lifespan of 2 to 4 years, after which it should be replaced.
As each tyre has a speed limit indicated by a letter on it;
The letter “L” means that the maximum speed of the tyre is 120 km/h.
The letter “M” stands for 130 kmph.
The letter “N” stands for 140 kmph.
The letter “P” stands for 150 kmph.
The letter “Q” stands for 160 kmph.
The letter “R” stands for 170 kmph.
And the letter “H” means that the tyre can withstand speeds of more than 210 km/h.
This is the reason why most of the time the tyres explode during high speed because they cannot withstand more pressure than the set speed.
So, always check the letters or numbers on the tyre while buying it and keep an eye on the speed so that you can be safe from an accident.
Also, you will usually see numbers listed on the top of the tyre like this: 195 65 R 15 91 H. Here is their description.
195: This means that the width of the tyre is 195 mm.
65: This is a number representing the ratio of width to height, meaning the height is 65 per cent of the width.
R: It means Radial.
15: This is the wheel diameter, meaning the tyre you are looking at will fit a 15 inch diameter wheel.
91: This number is called the load index, a load index of 91 means that the tyre can carry up to 615 kg.
H: This letter represents speed. The bigger the letter, the higher the speed the tyre can handle. A speed of up to 210 km/h is a safe speed for tyres with the letter H.