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President of Pakistan calls for implementing UNSC resolutions on Kashmir

President of Pakistan calls for implementing UNSC resolutions on Kashmir (J&K).
He said this while talking to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Islamabad.
President Dr Arif Alvi underlined the fundamental obligation of United Nations on Jammu and Kashmir issue.
President of Pakistan calls for
He pointed to UN obligation to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir, pledging the right to self-determination to the Kashmiris.
With him, President Alvi also shared concerns over India’s illegal and unilateral actions in Occupied Kashmir.
He expressed concerns over grave human rights situation there.
Notably, he noted India’s belligerent rhetoric and aggressive measures posed threat to regional peace.
Dr Arif Alvi highlighted the immense contributions which Pakistan made over the 40 years in hosting Afghan refugees.
He also referred to providing them economic and political security.
UNSG praises Pakistan
Meanwhile, the UN Secretary General appreciated Pakistan’s contribution while hosting Afghan refugees for four decades.
He said the generosity and hospitality which Pakistan showed towards the Afghan refugees remains a remarkable story of solidarity.
Moreover, President of Pakistan also spoke at a dinner hosted in honour of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Islamabad.
India in quagmire due to CAA
He said India has put itself into a quagmire after introduction of controversial citizenship law.
He said UN Military Observer Group should be allowed to report on what is happening on the borders, besides India should open up the occupied territory, and allow the people and media to visit the held valley.
Dr Arif Alvi urged the global community to exert pressure on India to realize seriousness of situation.
He said the Pakistani nation and its leadership not only talk about the peace but also want it.
On the other hand in the neighbouring country, the political leadership, its people and the media have been creating a hype over war.
In his address UN Secretary General said he always found Pakistan opening its borders and welcoming the refugees on its soil.
However, he also noted it remains contrary to the global situation in which the borders have been closed and refugees were turned back.
He urged the international community to come forward and make the Afghan peace process a success.
He asked them to lend support in the reconstruction efforts as the Afghan people required it and the world needed it.
About the Occupied Kashmir, he reiterated that the UN has called for implementation of its Security Council resolutions on the issue.
Furthermore, he also offered his good offices for its peaceful resolution.
He said the UN’s stance has remained consistent that the fundamental rights of Kashmiri people should be protected.