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$1 a year fee for bot and spam free (X) Twitter

18 October, 2023 20:18

The Twitter (X) from today will begin charging new users a flat fee of $1 a year if they want to post content or interact with other tweets.

The new subscription plan, called ‘Not A Bot’ started from October 17th, 2023 in two countries – New Zealand and the Philippines.Within this test, existing users are not affected.

Elon Musk-owned social media platform declared that this will evaluate a potentially powerful measure to help X combat bots and spammers on X, while balancing platform accessibility with the small fee amount.The platform is emphasizing that this initiative is not aimed at generating profits.

Within this program, new users must verify their phone numbers and submit the $1 fee to access essential features like posting tweets, retweets, saving bookmarks, and liking posts. Those who opt not to pay will have restricted access, limited to a “read-only” mode.

Elon Musk & Twitter bitter relationship on Bots – spam issue

Twitter has for years said that bots make up less than 5% of its monetizable daily active users (mDAU). In a series of tweets in May 2022, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal acknowledged that “spam harms the experience for real people on Twitter,” and added that, “as such, we are strongly incentivized to detect and remove as much spam as we possibly can, every single day.”

On May 17,2022 Elon Musk said that he thought the proportion of bots is higher than what Twitter has announced.

“It’s a material adverse misstatement if they, in fact, have been vociferously claiming less than 5 percent of fake or spam accounts but in fact it is four or five times that number,” he said. “This is a big deal.”He at the end surprisingly completed the purchase he was uncertain of the provided data.

“If our twitter bid succeeds, we will defeat the spam bots or die trying,” Musk tweeted . He added, “And authenticate all real humans.”,upon twitter acquisition.

It is unclear if twitter (X) can ever clean the platform from bots,spam,fake and inauthentic accounts.The questionable accounts figure is predicted above 11% to 21% by industry insiders.

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