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British MPs group on Kashmir meet Prime Minister Imran Khan

20 February, 2020 02:12

British MPs group on Kashmir meet Prime Minister Imran Khan during their visit to Pakistan.

Chair of All-Parties Parliamentary Kashmir Group, Debbie Abrahams leads the cross-party delegation of UK parliamentarians.  

British MPs group on Kashmir


The group had earlier held meeting with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

While talking to them, Prime Minister Imran Khan has reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to support the Kashmiri people.

He vowed Pakistan’s support for Kashmiris struggle for justice and inalienable right of self-determination.

Pakistan believes in just solution

PM Khan said Pakistan believes that a just and lasting solution of the J&K dispute remain essential for peace, security and stability in South Asia.

He also underscored that the international community has a responsibility in raising awareness about India’s crimes against humanity.

He termed it responsibility of international community to put pressure on India for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir.

Imran Khan commended the Group’s consistent focus on the Jammu & Kashmir dispute.

He noted the important contribution which its earlier reports made on the human rights situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

He also highlighted the threat to peace and security which the Indian leadership’s belligerent rhetoric and aggressive actions on the ground posed.

Moreover, he also alerted that India could resort to a “false flag” operation.

Prime Minister said India may do so in order to divert international attention from its unacceptable actions in the Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

British Parliament MPs and USIP president meet Foreign Minister





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