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Khalilzad welcomes prisoners swap between Taliban and Afghan govt

13 April, 2020 14:07

Khalilzad welcomes prisoners swap between Taliban and Afghan government.

United States special representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad has welcomed the prisoner releases by both the Afghan government and Taliban.

Khalilzad welcomes prisoners swap

In a tweet, Zalmay said the move is an important step in the peace process and the reduction of violence.

He urged both sides to accelerate efforts to meet targets of US-Taliban agreement because potential for COVID-19 outbreaks in prisons poses a real threat.”

The Afghan government has so far released 361 Taliban prisoners from Bagram prison.

Meanwhile, Taliban later released 20 Afghan government prisoners on Sunday.

Both sides released prisoners under US Taliban deal.

However, the swap of prisoners is taking much time due to differences between Taliban and Afghanistan government.

In a tweet, Spokesman Suhail Shaheen announced handover of the prisoners to Kabul administration.

Earlier, Afghan government had released 300 Taliban prisoners.

War of words also continue
Afghan Taliban had earlier accused United States of violating peace deal.
They warned that the peace deal with the United States is nearing a breaking point.
In a statement, Taliban accused Washington of violations of the agreement including drone attacks on civilians and delay in release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners.

US Taliban peace accord

US Taliban had signed peace accord in Doha which Western media portrays to end war in Afghanistan.


AP reported that the United States and the Taliban have signed a peace agreement aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan, America’s longest.

The signing could help President Donald Trump fulfill a key campaign promise to extract America from its “endless wars.”

Under the agreement, the U.S. will begin withdrawing thousands of troops.

However, US will do so in exchange for Taliban commitments to prevent Afghanistan from being a launchpad for terrorist attacks.

US representative Zalmay Khalilzad meets Pakistan Foreign Minister in Doha

Afghan Taliban orders halt to attacks ahead of deal with US.

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