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Six Afghan workers of military base at Bagram airfield killed in attack in Parwan

17 April, 2020 06:41

Six Afghan workers of military base at Bagram airfield killed in attack in Parwan district.

According to an official, the workers were attacked while they were travelling to their homes in Parwan district.
Six Afghan workers of military base

They were working at military base which houses US military personnel at Bagram airfield.

At least four workers sustained wounds in the attack.

However, no group claims responsibility for the attack, so far.

Bagram Airfield remains the largest US military base in the Afghanistan.

Wahida Shahkar, a spokesperson for the Parwan governor, said that at least 10 workers at the Bagram Airfield were returning home in a vehicle.

As per TOLO News, Gunmen targeted them at around 9.40 p.m. on Thursday.

According to the governor, six of them lost lives while four others wounded.


Earlier, United States special representative for Afghanistan reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad welcomed prisoners swap between Taliban and Afghan government.

In a tweet, Zalmay said the move is an important step in the peace process and the reduction of violence.

He urged both sides to accelerate efforts to meet targets of US-Taliban agreement because potential for COVID-19 outbreaks in prisons poses a real threat.”

The Afghan government and Taliban have released many detainees so far.

Government released prisoners from Bagram prison.

Both sides released prisoners under US Taliban deal.

However, the swap of prisoners is taking much time due to differences between Taliban and Afghanistan government.

In a tweet, Spokesman Suhail Shaheen announced handover of the prisoners to Kabul administration.

Earlier, Afghan government had released 300 Taliban prisoners.


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