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APHC demands immediate release of all Kashmiri leaders and activists

20 April, 2020 11:06

APHC demands immediate release of all Kashmiri leaders and activists.

Spokesman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference has expressed his deep concern over the plight of Kashmiri detainees.

In a statement on Monday, he said that most of these detainees had spent more than two decades in jails.

APHC demands immediate release

He said the illegally detained Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders and activists are subjected to cruelty.

The detainees are suffering because of anti-Kashmiri bias in the jails of India and the occupied territory.

Dr. Muhammad Shafi Shariati, Dr. Mohammad Qasim Fakhtoo, Ghulam Qadir Butt, Nazir Ahmad Sheikh, Mohammad Ayub Dar, Mohammad Ayub Mir, Javed Ahmad Khan and others also among detainees.

While citing ruling of the Indian Supreme Court, he said that a detainee remains entitled to bail after spending ten years in jail.

As per that ruling, they could be released after spending fourteen years in jail.

He noted hundreds of detainees currently imprisoned in different jails of India and Kashmir.

The spokesman sees their life at risk because of the spread of the coronavirus.

He deplored discrimination and are subjected to political vendetta in jails for the detainees from occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

APHC spokesman pointed out that they were attacked by racist criminals in jails.

He said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are proud of Hurriyat leaders and activists.

They remain either in jails or in field where they are struggling for a peaceful and sustainable solution to the Kashmir dispute under UN resolutions.

The APHC appealed to the UN Secretary General, the International Committee of Red Cross and all local and international human rights organizations to use their clout for the release of the jailed Kashmiris.

He also urged them to play role for settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN resolutions.


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