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European countries begin easing lockdown and reopening of borders

26 May, 2020 06:41

European countries begin easing lockdown and reopening of borders which they had closed due to Coronavirus threat.

They have started reopening borders and easing the lockdown despite increasing cases of COVID-19.

European countries begin easing lockdown

Denmark is allowing cross-border couples to meet again and Germany plans to end its travel warning for trips to 31 European countries from 15th of next month.

Globally, the number of infections has passed 5.6 million and more than 348,000 people have died from the infection.

Meanwhile, WHO has suspended testing of hydroxychloroquine as a possible COVID-19 treatment.

A study suggested the drug could cause heart problems in patients and increase the risk of death.

Madrid and Barcelona reopened their parks.

Copenhagen unlocked its museums. The bars of Reykjavik resumed business and restaurants in Athens took orders again on Monday.

Europe continued to ease its lockdown restrictions.

Residents of Spain’s two biggest cities can now meet in groups of up to 10 in their homes or on the outside terraces of bars and restaurants.

Both moved belatedly into the second phase of looser lockdown restrictions.

Small shops can also open without appointments.

Madrid’s mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, marked the occasion by tweeting a picture of himself in the city’s famous El Retiro park.

“Open,” he tweeted. “Good morning, and let’s be responsible.”

Almost half of Spain has already moved to phase three, with shopping centres allowed to open and restaurants to serve customers indoors at 40% capacity. Cinemas and theatres may also reopen, but sell no more than 30% of tickets for each performance.

Many bars and restaurants in Madrid and Barcelona stayed closed, however, unsure of the value of catering to just a few locals and no tourists.

The government has said a 14-day quarantine requirement for overseas arrivals will be lifted by 1 July.

“It is perfectly coherent to plan summer vacations to come to Spain in July,” said the tourism minister, Reyes Maroto. Spain usually draws 80 million visitors a people a year, and with tourism accounting for over 12% of GDP, the summer season is crucial.

As Italy reopened its swimming pools and sports centres, restaurants and cafes across Greece opened earlier than planned on Monday.

It too prepared to launch a shortened tourism season that will be vital for its economic recovery.


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