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NY Police raid vendors selling Islamic goods

17 March, 2024 12:29

New York Police raided Muslim vendors selling Islamic goods.

The police raided Muslim streets vendors in city’s borough of Queen where they selling Islamic goods that include religious texts, prayer mats, and hijabs.

The 12 Muslim vendors were Bangladesh-origin.

Police claimed they had instructed the vendors to vacate the area on 8 March and also issued them tickets for unlicensed street vending.

One of street vendor said that the police officer told him to stop vending and gave him a $250 ticket. The Muslim street vendors expressed fear about returning to the area. Several of the affected vendors have now lost their entire source of income. They are facing the challenge of covering rent and grocery expenses.

Street vendor MD Nasir Uddin told media that his biggest fear is that he will get arrested for working without a licence. Nasir Uddin, who supports his family of five including his three younger siblings, was afraid he won’t be able to help his family anymore.

There are, currently, more than 11,920 people on a waiting list for a merchandise vendor licence. There are currently over 20,000 vendors working in New York City. A large portion of the vendors are without licences.

In the US, a licence is required for anyone who sells, leases or offers to sell or lease goods or services in a public space, which is not a store.

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