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Afghan govt offers to release 1500 Taliban prisoners

11 March, 2020 07:07

Afghan govt offers to release 1500 Taliban prisoners.

The Afghan government has offered to release 1500 Taliban prisoners from Saturday if they significantly reduce violence.

Afghan govt offers to release

A spokesman for President Ashraf Ghani, Sediq Sediqqi said on Twitter on Wednesday morning that prisoners will be freed as goodwill gesture and another 3,500 to be freed after negotiations begin.

Earlier, US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said that Afghan President Ashraf Ghraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah are ready to negotiate to end the political crisis.

In a tweet on Tuesday, he said that he spent significant time to resolve the differences of both leaders.

Meanwhile, according to US State Department, United States strongly supports a unified and sovereign Afghanistan.

While condemning the terrorist attack in Kabul, the department strongly opposed any action to establish a parallel government.

It further opposed and any use of force to resolve political differences.

US is reducing troops in Afghanistan in line of deal with Taliban, according to an AP report.
However, Associated Press reported it as withdrawal of American troops.
Officially, US is moving ahead with plans to cut the number of forces in the country from about 13,000 to 8,600 over the next four and a half months.
American troops have begun leaving Afghanistan for the initial troop withdrawal required in the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement.
The U.S. military confirmed it Monday, amid political chaos in Kabul that threatens the deal.
Army Col. Sonny Leggett, spokesman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said in a statement that the U.S. is moving ahead with plans to cut the number of forces there.
Moreover, the spokesman said US would reduce troops from about 13,000 to 8,600 over the next four and a half months.
Another U.S. official said hundreds of troops have headed out of the country as previously planned, but they will not be replaced.



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