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Bangladesh protestors force chief justice to resign

10 August, 2024 16:29

The chief justice of Bangladesh Supreme Court has tendered his resignation after protestors surrounded the top court building on Saturday.

Obaidul Hassan is considered to be a loyalist to ousted premier Sheikh Hasina.

Protesters surrounded the Supreme Court building and issued ultimatum to the Chief Justice and other judges to resign in an hour.

They warned to storm the residences of the judges and Chief Justice if they fail to resign.

According to Dhaka Tribune, Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan had called a full court meeting on Saturday, involving all judges of both divisions of the Supreme Court, but later announced its adjournment.

The protesting students have referred to this full court meeting as a “judiciary coup.”

“That’s why we came to the Supreme Court premises to force the chief justice to resign,” a protestor told media.

Asif Mahmud, the adviser to the Sports Ministry of the interim government, also demanded the “unconditional resignation of Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan” and cancellation of the full court meeting.

Amid the tensions, the Chief Justice postponed the meeting of the judges.

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