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Coronavirus infection kills 142 more people during last 24 hours

27 April, 2021 08:04

Coronavirus infection kills 142 more people during last 24 hours across the country.

According to the the NCOC statistics, 4487 new positive cases detected for the same period.

Coronavirus infection kills 142 more people

Moreover, that positivity ratio after 43,981 tests remained 10.2 per cent.

With 142 deaths, the toll in the country has now reached 17,329.

Meanwhile, Lahore Police, Pakistan Army and Rangers carried out flag march in different areas of Lahore.

They conducted flag march to spread awareness amongst the public to follow the SOPs.

Capital City Police Officer Lahore Ghulam Mahmood Dogar led the flag march.

Police March started from Capital City Police Headquarters.

Furthermore, it passed through different important roads and markets and business centers of the city.

Meanwhile, the CCPO Lahore said the purpose of the flag march was to create sense of security among citizens as well as to make them aware of dangers of spread of Corona virus.

Likewise, Pakistan Army troops along with police and officers of local administration conducted a Flag March in Faisalabad.

The flag march began from Police Lines and passed through various roads and bazaars of downtown area.

On the other hand, the Ulema of all schools of thought have assured of their full cooperation with the government in its efforts to check the spread of COVID-19.

The extended the assurance in special meeting at the National Command and Operation Center.

Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Noor Ul Haq Qadri and National Coordinator NCOC Lt. General Hamood Uz Zaman held the meeting.


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