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Do you know the meaning of Google?

15 June, 2024 10:44

Google has achieved what very few brands have been able to achieve.

This is why people say “Google It” instead of “Search It”, even if the person is searching on Bing instead of Google.

But do you know that this search engine was not started with the name of Google but was named as BackRab.

The project was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996 on Stanford University servers and was named BackRab because it focused on backlinks on the web. But after a year he realized that the name needed to be changed and he chose Google. But what does the name Google mean? If you try to google it, some of the results say it stands for Global Organization of Oriented Group Languages ​​of Earth, but that’s wrong. At least according to Google’s own website, this is wrong.

Stanford University computer scientist David Koehler explained the meaning of the name Google. He mentioned that Sean Anderson and Larry Page were in their office using the whiteboard to think of a good name that would relate to the Big Data Index. He further said that on this occasion, Sen. Anderson verbally suggested the name Gogolplex and Larry Page responded verbally and shortened it to Gogol.

Gogol is a mathematical term for 100 zeros with ones.

At this point, Sean Anderson searched the name on BackRab to see if a related domain name was available and made a historical mistake.

According to David Koehler, Sean Anderson was not very good at spelling words and searched by typing instead of googol and the domain name was available. Larry Page liked the name and within hours registered under his and Sergey Brin’s name.

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