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Ex-army officers Adil Raja & Haider Mehdi sentenced for ‘inciting sedition’ : ISPR

25 November, 2023 16:47

Major (rtd) Adil Farooq Raja and Captain (rtd) Haider Raza Mehdi, both former army officers (having large Youtube viewership) were handed 14 and 12 years of jail sentence respectively following their Field General Court Martial for “inciting sedition”.


The retired personnel of the Pakistan Army Adil Raja and Haider Mehdi are NOT likely to serve the sentence as they are based abroad.


The ISPR said that Major (rtd) Raja was sentenced to “14 years rigorous punishment” while Captain (rtd) Mehdi was handed “12 years rigorous punishment”.


In a statement on Saturday, the Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR) said both retired officers, who live abroad, were convicted and sentenced “under the Pakistan Army Act, 1952 for the charges of inciting sedition among army personnel from discharge of duties and violation of the provisions of Official Secrets Act, 1923 related to espionage and acts prejudicial to the safety and interest of the state”.


The ISPR stated that the court of competent jurisdiction convicted and adjudged both the individuals through due judicial process.Pursuant to the awarded sentence, the ranks of both officers have been forfeited on Nov 21, 2023.


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