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Farah Gogi has nothing to do with PTI: Zulfi Bukhari

15 November, 2023 10:51

London(web desk); Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Zulfi Bukhari says that Farah Gogi has nothing to do with PTI, if he has committed corruption, he should be severely punished.
While discussing the issue of democracy crisis in London, Zulfi Bukhari said that Chairman PTI also realized about Usman Buzdar’s wrong choice, it was not appropriate to remove him later. Zulfi Bukhari says that few close people of Chairman PTI were among those who made cases against me, one who made cases against me became a sworn witness and the other one fled the country.

He said that the events of May 9 were condemned by the entire PTI, the attack on Jinnah House was strongly condemned, for the first time in history the media is going through the toughest period, the vote bank of those who left politics forcefully in Pakistan. it is finished. The PTI leader says that going to jail will not help me, we will be in the field when the time comes, the caretaker prime minister’s position is no more than a puppet, if even 50% of the playing field is given, then the election will be won. Zulfi Bukhari added that there is hope for justice from the Supreme Court, all political parties should unite for timely elections, work has started to rig the elections in Pakistan, the economic condition of Pakistan is going towards disaster. Only transparent elections will bring economic stability in the country.

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