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Google is removing lots of Android apps from Play Store

20 July, 2024 20:25

In a bid to enhance user experience, Google has announced a new policy update that will require apps on the Play Store to provide a “stable, engaging, responsive user experience.”

According to reports, Google Apps that fail to meet this standard will be removed from the Paly Store starting August 31.

The new rules target apps with limited functionality and content, including those that are static, offer little content, or have no functional purpose.

Specifically, apps that fall into the following categories will be deleted:

  • Apps with no app-specific functionalities, such as text-only or PDF file apps
  • Apps with minimal content that do not provide an engaging user experience, such as single wallpaper apps
  • Apps designed to do nothing or have no function

Additionally, Google will better target apps with broken functionality, including those that install properly but don’t load or are unresponsive.

This move is part of Google’s ongoing efforts to remove and restrict certain apps from Google Play. In 2023 alone, the company prevented 2.28 million policy-violating apps from being published and rejected nearly 200,000 apps to enhance user protection.

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