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Gov eyes cultivation on all cultivable land under Agriculture Transformation Plan

30 June, 2021 10:48

Gov eyes cultivation on all cultivable land under Agriculture Transformation Plan.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Food Security Jamshed Iqbal Cheema Wednesday briefed the media on the Agriculture Transformation Plan.

Gov eyes cultivation on all cultivable land

Under that plan, he said, the government would bring all the land into cultivation where human-being or a plant can survive all across the country.

Furthermore, Cheema said that we have 220 million acres of land and out of that only 55 million is cultivated.

He also shared Prime Minister’s target that besides mountain, where snowfalls and human being cannot survive, we will bring into cultivation all the land where human being or a plant can survive.

He said that the government would not leave any land unattended. Govt would utilize them for agriculture, food production, forests.

Secondly, the minister said that under the plan, the government would also save every drop of water.

He further said that major works were being carried out to conserve water.

The SAPM said seven big dams and 735 small dams were constructed in Balochistan to harvest rainwater.

Livestock and milk

The minister said that the government also focused on developing livestock.

Besides, it promotes pure milk production, not only for local consumption but also for export purposes.

He said that the milk sector has around $25 billion export potential.

Govt will exploit this potential for earning foreign exchange.

Furthermore, Cheema said that the government would soon introduce a programme to ensure that no milk enters in big cities without proper testing to maintain hygienic quality.


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