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Govt vows to ensure provision of essential items at affordable prices

22 June, 2021 06:24

Govt vows to ensure provision of essential items at affordable prices across the board and is taking effective measures in this regard.

Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin said, while presiding over the meeting of a National Price Monitoring Committee in Islamabad.

Govt vows to ensure provision of essential items at affordable prices

He said that Government remains fully cognizant of its responsibility regarding provision of essential items at affordable prices.

He further said the Government has taken all out measures to provide essential items through a network of Sahulat/Saasta Baazars.

Besides, govt has given hefty subsidies through chain of Utility Stores outlets.

Moreover, the govt is taking strict administrative measures to keep prices of basic items in check.

The officials concerned informed the meeting that the weekly SPI increased by 0.28 percent for the week ended on 17th June, 2021.

However, prices of 09 items declined, 21 items slightly increased and 21 items remained stable.

Meanwhile, the Finance minister directed the provincial governments for strict monitoring of prices toto provide relief to common man.

He also directed Ministry of Industries and Production to hold a meeting with ghee/edible oil manufacturers in order to transmit the declining trend of international oil prices to the local consumers.


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