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Hafiz Naeem announces countrywide complete strike after Aug 14

06 August, 2024 15:51

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Ameer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has said that the sit-in will move ahead from August 8 and after August 14 there will be a complete strike.

Holding a press conference during Rawalpindi sit-in against expensive electricity, he said that some contracts of IPPs should be terminated and others should be reviewed while forensic audit of all contracts should be conducted.

He said that the official negotiation committee had taken time to prepare and then disappeared. The disappearance of the official committee will have to be advertised. The government is worried as the sit-in has started to hinder the government’s luxuries. The auditor general of Pakistan,  chairman WAPDA, Federal Chamber of Commerce and consumer representatives should be included in the negotiation committee.

Hafiz Naeem said that on August 8, the participants of the sit-in will go ahead and there will be a big march on Murree Road. On August 11, there will be a big sit-in outside the Chief Minister’s House in Lahore and on 12th there will be a sit-in in Peshawar. We are also going to call for a complete shutter-down strike across the country and after August 14 a nationwide complete strike will be observed, the JI chief said.

In response to a question, he said that currently our agenda is not to topple the government, but it depends on the government whether it brings us to that position or not.

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