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Heatstroke claims nine lives in Karachi

29 June, 2024 09:15

At least nine people lost their lives in last 24 hours due to heatstroke in Karachi. The tool jumped to 26.

As many as five deaths were confirmed by Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, while, three people died at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Hospital and one death was reported at Civil Hospital.

The deceased have been admitted to different hospitals due to heatstroke.

The deceased patients include six males and three females.

The heat lost its intensity due to rains in part of the metropolis. However, overall the weather remained hot and humid in Karachi amid predictions of more rains.

According to Metrological Department weather forecast, the weather in Karachi will be hot and humid during the next 24 hours, while rain with thunder is expected in a few places.

“Due to low air pressure, there will be no sea breeze today,” it said on Friday.

The number of heatstroke patients has witnessed a steep rise in a few days as Karachi.

As many as at least 150 heatstroke patients were brought to Karachi’s Civil Hospital in last three days.

Among them, 40 citizens affected by intense heat and remained admitted to the medical facility since Tuesday morning.

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