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Horrifying: Married woman sexually abused in ambulance by driver

05 September, 2024 19:00

In another horrifying incident, a married woman was sexually abused in ambulance by driver in Lucknow, Indian media reported Thursday.

She was harassed by the driver and the helper with her husband on board, said a report published in Hindustan Times.

When her husband, who was sick and was being transported to a hospital, tried to intervene, was thrown off the vehicle and suffered some fettle injuries allegedly resulting in his death.

The woman’s brother, who was also in the vehicle, was confined in the back cabin.

The police said that the incident took place in Basti district on August 29.

They have booked the duo for culpable homicide, use of criminal force on woman with intent to outrage her modesty, wrongful confinement and robbery.

Additional DCP Jitendra Dubey said police teams had been formed to catch the culprits as soon as possible.

“I was forced to sit in the front seat while my brother sat behind with my husband,” the victim told police. “After sometime, the driver and his companion started touching me inappropriately. I objected to their action many times but they did not listen.”

“My sick husband and brother sensed my trouble and protested the harassment. Around 11:30 pm, the driver and companion took off my husband’s oxygen cylinder mask and threw him off the vehicle. My brother was also assaulted,” she said.

She said that the duo stole ₹10,000 from her purse along with her jewelleries and hospital reports and fled.

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