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How to protect solar panels from rain and weather effects?

29 August, 2024 09:03

The demand for solar panels that generate electricity from sunlight is increasing rapidly across the country, but it is also important to take precautionary measures for better performance and safety of these panels.

Solar panels are very popular as an alternative source of electricity in homes and markets, however, if these panels are not properly maintained, there is a strong risk of damage from various weather conditions, especially rains.

Also keep in mind that rain can significantly reduce the efficiency of solar panels and if not properly attended to, can lead to significant repair costs in the event of failure.

Regular cleaning and maintenance

Clean the solar panels regularly with a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt, tree leaves, dust and other objects that block direct sunlight.

Use a soft cloth to clean the dirt and dark spots on the panels and do not use any harsh chemicals that may scratch or damage the panel.

To prevent your solar system from getting damaged, carefully inspect the solar panels and frames during the rainy season.


High quality installation

While installing the solar panels, ensure that the panels are installed at the best angle and in the proper direction to absorb the sunlight as much as possible and not get water standing on them. Have the panel installed by a qualified technician.

Use good quality materials, don’t hire cheap equipment and technicians for installation. It is also a great danger to the life of your family.

Use a high-quality mounting system so the panels won’t move or get damaged even in high winds and torrential rain.

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