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Imran Khan Says I am Stronger & Fitter than ever before

12 October, 2023 18:57

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said he is “stronger and fitter than ever” since being jailed on 5th August,2023 according to a statement released by his family on Thursday via twitter.

Imran Khan has reiterated his resolve that he would not back down even an inch from the quest of ‘Haqeeqi Azadi’ (real freedom), urging the nation to not give up, as this time of trial will end because whenever the election will be held the only destiny of this “unelected predatory group and their facilitators is defeat”.

“Let it be known that there’s a difference of day and night between the Imran Khan of today and Imran Khan who was imprisoned on August 5,” he said in the first statement to be released on his behalf since he was jailed.

The statement published on Khan’s X account states that If there’s one thing that bothers & pains me, is the suffering of my workers who have been illegally imprisoned, especially our women workers who have been in captivity for months, by a few people who abuse their power to satisfy their egos.I appeal to the judiciary to provide justice and order the immediate release of our workers.

Those suggesting that I leave the country, know that I will live and die in Pakistan, and I will not leave my land to go anywhere.

Talking about the cypher case, the official statement added, Khan stated that the bogus case was designed to protect former army chief General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa and US diplomat Donald Lu.

Imran Khan reiterated his rhetoric about general elections by saying that” I am predicting that on whatever day the election is held, people of Pakistan will come out in huge numbers to vote for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and defeat all these parties combined. No matter how much these people cheat, their only destiny is defeat. Pakistan Zindabad.”

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