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Israel allows Jewish Jerusalem Flag March despite warnings from Hamas

15 June, 2021 10:14

Israel allows Jewish Jerusalem Flag March despite warnings from Hamas that may trigger reaction from Palestinian Arabs.

The controversial flag march event has been given the go-ahead for Tuesday, against a background of threats of renewed violence by the Hamas over the route of the march.

Israel allows Jewish Jerusalem Flag March

Israeli Jewish Jerusalem Day fell on May 10 but they had to cancel the event due to severe tensions in the occupied Jerusalem.

That resulted in the recent conflict in Gaza after Hamas fired rockets at those trying to subdue Palestinian Arabs.

New Public Security Minister Omer Barlev said on Monday afternoon that the police made preparation well for the march.

Hamas has called for Palestinian Arabs, including those of east Jerusalem residents to confront the procession.

The route of the march usually starts at Damascus Gate and wends its way through the Muslim Quarter and out to the Western Wall plaza in the Jewish Quarter.

The approved route for Tuesday’s march will see the parade dance in front of the Damascus Gate.

Israeli route

But then proceed outside the Old City’s walls to the Jaffa Gate, down David Street which divides the Christian and Armenian Quarters. And on down Chain Gate Street which divides the Muslim and Jewish Quarters and into the Western Wall plaza.

However, David Street and Chain Gate Street run straight through the Arab market of Palestinian vendors and tradesmen.

New Public Security Minister Omer Barlev held evening meetings with Police Commissioner Yaakov (Kobi) Shabtai and senior officials in the IDF, Shin Bet and National Security Council.

Later Barlev said he found “that the police stay well prepared and a great effort made to protect the delicate fabric of live and public safety.”

Asked about the event in a Labor faction meeting Monday, Barlev said: “The flag march will take place.

Barlev claimed Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital although international law rejects this claim as false.

At least 2,000 police personnel are securing the march.

Hamas and PIJ warn

Meanwhile, a Hamas spokesman warned that the flag march could spark a new round of conflict “to protect al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.”

He issued the statement on Monday evening.

Moreover, Hamas called on all east Jerusalem residents to confront those participating in the march, according to Channel 13 News.

Besides, Palestinian Islamic Jihad also released a statement on Tuesday.

It stated that it will respond “with full force to the provocations of the settlers in the Holy City,” ahead of the Jerusalem Flag Day march being held later in the evening.

PIJ added that it will serve to stand as an “impenetrable dam” towards anyone who tries to harm the al-Aqsa mosque.

He underlined Jerusalem (al-Quds) as our land, our sanctuary and our mosque.

Furthermore, he vowed that the “occupation” will not create a foothold within the mosque itself.


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