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Kashmiris observe ‘Black Day’ as India celebrates its independence

15 August, 2024 11:35

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world are observing India’s 78th Independence Day as Black Day today (Thursday).

They are protesting Narendra Modi-led regime’s illegal occupation of their land.

Jailed All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leaders have shared a strong message to India that they rejected the illegal occupation and demand their fundamental right to self-determination.

They also appealed the international community to pressure New Delhi to grant all Kashmiris their rights to self-determination.

“India has no legal or ethical right to celebrate its freedom in the occupied Kashmir. India’s occupation of Kashmir is a clear violation of the UN resolutions and international laws,” they said.

Moreover, in the Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), the Indian authorities have tightened restrictions across the region on eve of the Independence Day.

In Pakistan, Kashmiris held a demonstration at the Azadi Chowk in Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

“Participants of the protest rallies will wear black bands around their arms as a sign of hatred against India,” the organisers of the special black day programmes had said earlier.

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