Fri, 20 Sep 2024
Fri 1446/03/17AH (20-09-2024AD)

KWSSIP to launch WASH Wall Messages to promote “behaviour change” in Karachi’s Slums”

19 September, 2024 23:53

KWSSIP to launch WASH Wall Messages to promote “behaviour change” in Karachi’s Slums”

Kashif Siddiqui, Communication and Advocacy Specialist at the “Strengthening of Katchi Abadi Cell and Engagement of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)” initiative, thanked journalists today for their support to the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) initiative in Karachi’s slums.

During the meeting, Siddiqui provided details about the upcoming activities under the Behavior Change Campaign.

This initiative, part of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project (KWSSIP) funded by the World Bank, is set to launch “WASH Wall Messages” in Essa Nagri in District East and Soba Nagar in Gulberg Town. These messages are designed to promote better hygiene practices and emphasize the importance of clean water and sanitation for public health.

Both areas have faced significant challenges with water scarcity and inadequate sanitation. KWSSIP aims to address these issues by transforming infrastructure and engaging the community through sustainable social mobilization. Behavior change efforts are a key component of this project.

The “WASH Wall Messages” will highlight practices such as handwashing, safe water use, and proper waste management to reduce waterborne diseases and improve health.

Siddiqui noted, “These messages are crucial for driving better hygiene habits and enhancing community well-being.” The campaign will involve local WASH Committees, Children’s WASH Clubs, and community members to ensure the messages are culturally relevant and impactful.

The broader KWSSIP initiative, in partnership with the National Rural Support Programme (NRSP), focuses on both infrastructure improvements and social mobilization, with a strong emphasis on empowering women in decision-making processes.

Journalists affirmed their commitment to supporting this important cause and stressed the need for ongoing media engagement to maximize the campaign’s impact. The KWSSIP project remains dedicated to benefiting Karachi’s residents through both infrastructural upgrades and educational efforts.

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