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Lice in woman’s hair push plane to make emergency landing

06 August, 2024 20:46

In a bizarre incident, a flight in America made an emergency landing after passengers spotted lice in a woman’s hair.

The flight, scheduled to fly from Los Angeles to New York, was rerouted to Phoenix.

A TikTok user on board, the flight, said in a video that passengers were left confused as American Airlines did not inform them of what caused the diversion.

In the video that reached over 1.2 million views, Judelson describes how he saw a woman causing a commotion as she rushed through the aisle towards the front as soon as the plane landed. While he was confused, no other passenger paid attention to it.

“It just seemed like one of those people who, as soon as the seatbelt sign goes off, gets up and tries to be the first to their bag,” he told People magazine, recalling the incident. “So the girl next to me … we were both like, ‘Why is she so rushed to get off? We’re all getting off together; calm down.”

The TikToker mentioned that two women gave him “cryptic” answers when asked about what happened to them.

After the plane made the emergency landing, Judelson overheard hushed conversations among fellow passengers.

According to eyewitnesses, two passengers had spotted lice crawling out of a woman’s hair, prompting them to alert the flight attendants.

The airline later issued a statement confirming that the flight was diverted due to a medical emergency.

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