Tue, 17 Sep 2024
Mon 1446/03/13AH (16-09-2024AD)

Miller says US stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Pakistan in fight against terrorism

04 September, 2024 08:36

The United States has strongly condemned the recent terrorist attacks carried out in Balochistan that resulted in the deaths of over 50 people.

US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said, at a press briefing, said that Washington strongly condemned deadly attacks that targeted security officials and civilians, including the murder of 23 innocent civilians in Musakhail last week.

In addition, 10 people, including police and Balochistan Levies personnel, were martyred in a gun attack in Kalat while 14, including 10 security forces soldiers and four personnel of law enforcement agencies, were martyred in clearance operations. At least 21 militants were neutralised in the opearation.

To a question about Balochistan attacks, Matther Miller said that the Pakistani people have suffered greatly due to the violent extremist terrorists, adding our hearts go out to the families of those killed.

He further said that the Washington and Islamabad have a shared interest in combatting threats to regional security. Miller added that the US will continue to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Pakistan in its fight against terrorism.

To another query about the Pak-Iran gas pipeline project, the spokesperson said: “So what I’ll say is that we will continue to enforce our sanctions against Iran and and we also advise anyone considering business deals with Iran to be aware of the potential ramifications of those deals.”


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