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Modi led BJP govt doubled down Hindu nationalist agenda of Hindutva in India

11 March, 2020 21:43

Modi led BJP govt doubled down Hindu nationalist agenda of Hindutva in India, according to Nikkei Asian Review. 

The Japan based world’s largest financial newspaper Nikkei Asian Review made this analysis about current government of India.

It noted Modi doing so instead of using its mandate to tackle the mounting economic challenges.

Nikkei Asian Review covered it as the latest cover story.

Modi led BJP govt

The newspaper said backed by the Hindu ultranationalist group RSS, the Modi regime has revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s autonomous status.

It alos noted BJP govt changed India’s citizenship laws to deny recognition to Muslim immigrant.

Furthermore, Modi govt tried to enforce Hinduism as central to India’s values and identity.

It said almost all of the government’s political capital has been thrown into this massive project of Hindutva while economic reform has fallen by the wayside.

The paper quoted an executive at a Mumbai venture capital fund, who said Prime Minister Modi won the election but he lost the economy.

While referring to Modi’s earlier rule in Gujrat as Chief Minister of the state, the newspaper said what Modi did during this period was intercommunity violence.

Meanwhile, it cited killing of least one thousand people in the clashes between Hindus and Muslims durng Modi tenure as CM Gujarat in 2002.



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