Sun, 8 Sep 2024
Sat 1446/03/04AH (07-09-2024AD)

Muslim population increased, Hindu dropped in India

10 May, 2024 15:31

The population of Muslims in India soared to 14.09 per cent from 9.84, while Hindus declined 7.82 per cent, said a new analysis by Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister.

According to PM-EAC data, Christian population rose from 2.24 per cent to 2.36 per cent, Sikh population surged from 1.24 per cent to 1.85 per cent and the share of the Buddhist population rose from 0.05 per cent to 0.81 per cent.

“The Jain and Parsi community population witnessed a dip. The Jains declined from 0.45 per cent to 0.36 per cent, while the Parsi population witnessed a decline of 85 per cent from 0.03 per cent to 0.0004 per cent,” the data showed.

The report put in a caveat that the analysis was agnostic to the causes behind demographic changes.

The PM-EAC suggested that the rise in share of minorities is due to “the net result of policy actions, political decisions and societal processes provided a conducive environment for increasing diversity in society”.

The study also went on to term as ‘noise’ news reports on atrocities against minorities in India and stated in contrast — “minorities were not just protected but also thrived in India”.

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