Thu, 27 Jun 2024
( 21 Dhul Hijjah 1445 )

Muslims removing tattoos in Ramazan

01 April, 2024 12:00

A large number of Indonesia Muslims have decided to remove tattoos from their bodies during the holy month of Ramazan as these are considered forbidden in Islam because they count as physical mutilation of the skin.

To help such Muslims, an Islamic charity organisation named Amil Zakat National Agency (BAZNAS) is offering a free of charge tattoo removal procedure.

Armed with laser pointer, doctors at Amil Zakat National Agency are erasing tattoos from bodies of dozens of Muslims on a daily basis.

The BAZNAS is now in its fourth consecutive year to provide the free service to Indonesian Muslims during the holy month of Ramazan.

The offer during the holy month is to give practicing Muslims an opportunity to repent.

AZNA coordinator Raja Zamami said that Ramazan is the perfect momentum for this tattoo erasing programme. For him, to erase the tattoos is a form of worship to Allah.

He added that these Muslims have realized they want to repent and leave their past lifestyles and mistakes.

Indonesia’s 220 million Muslims, predominantly Sunnis, practice a more moderate form of Islam and tattoos are still seen in a negative light due to the association with rough street lifestyles.

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