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Now You Add Images & Videos Even If You Are Offline on Google Photos

21 April, 2021 08:25

Google Photos is now getting some tweaks or rather ‘silent updates’ where it’s been

determined that users can now add images and content to an album even if the user is not connected to the internet.

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Such actions always required that users are always connected to the internet to ensure

proper backing of such data. In a nutshell, being connected 24/7 can be a hassle and lead

to frustrating situations when using Google Photos. However, it seems that Google has now

taken a U-turn to this as the folks over at ‘Android Police’ noted the ability to create and

add content to an album even though their device was entirely disconnected from the internet and pending backups.

Moreover, you can also add photos to an existing album instead of creating a new one

from scratch and this all gets synced whenever you get connected to the internet once again.

This is a sure-win situation for users who normally are in areas where the internet is limited or cellular signals are not that strong.

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