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Pakistan celebrates anniversary of shot downing Indian air force plane

27 February, 2020 04:34

Pakistan celebrates anniversary of shot downing Indian air force plane which the country did in retaliation to IAF intrusion. 

The government has announced to celebrate ‘Surprise Day’ today.

On Feb 27, 2019 the PAF carried out Operation Swift Retort and shot down two Indian Air Force  fighter aircraft.

They also dropped bombs within the compounds of Indian military facilities in occupied Kashmir as a warning to the country’s belligerent neighbour.

Radio Pakistan reported celebrations as a tribute to the retaliatory attack by the Pakistan Air Force after India’s botched Balakot airstrike.

Pakistan celebrates anniversary

The Pakistani military had lived up to its promise to ‘surprise’ India in wake of any misadventure.

It said that ‘uncalled-for aggression’ from the Indian military ‘would not go unpunished’.

The operation also resulted in the capture of an Indian pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, whose Mig-21 shot down.

Pakistan later handed over the pilot to Indian authorities as ‘a goodwill gesture’.

Meanwhile, the Lahore Arts Council is going to hold different colorful programs in this regard today.

February 27 became the day when brave Pakistani Air Force destroyed two Indian aircraft in surprised airstrikes.

An exhibition of paintings will be display at the Alhamra Art Gallery at 3.30 pm while a special play titled “Hum Say Na Takrana” will be staged in Alhamra Hall 2 at 4 pm and a celebration walk will also be arranged to celebrate the day.




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