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Pakistan condemns violent acts and developments in occupied Palestine

26 April, 2021 11:49

Pakistan condemns violent acts and developments in occupied Palestine, which Islamabad calls alarming.

In a statement on Monday, Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri stated position of Pakistan.

Pakistan condemns violent acts and developments in occupied Palestine

He referred to alarming developments in the Occupied Palestinian Territories which the Israeli Occupation forces carried out.

Furthermore, he said Islamabad views it with serious concern.

Pakistan urges the international community for prompt action to protect Palestinians.

He said these illegal acts include harassment of people coming for prayers, arrests of innocent Palestinians and other arbitrary restrictions in violation of fundamental human rights.

Moreover, he said these illegal measures have seen an upsurge since the onset of the holy month of Ramadan.

The Spokesperson said Pakistan steadfastly supports the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination.

For just and lasting peace, Pakistan underlined it as imperative to have a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State.

Unfortunately, United States has recognized occupied Jerusalem (al-Quds) as capital of Israel.

Even the Muslim Arab regimes such as UAE and Bahrain have also formally recognized Israel.

Due to these reasons, Pakistanis and the entire Muslim world detest U.S. and these GCC countries.

Therefore, Pakistan government feels the mood of nation and the worldwide public opinion.

However, Pakistanis reject Israel as a fake state that comprises of squatted land of Palestine


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