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Pakistan reaffirms steadfast support for Afghanistan peace, reconciliation

17 February, 2020 19:47

Pakistan reaffirms steadfast support for Afghanistan peace, reconciliation. 

Prime Minister Imran Khan shared Pakistan’s viewpoint on the issue while talking to UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres who called on him in Islamabad today.
He reiterated Pakistan’s stated position that there remains no military solution to the Afghan conflict.
He said stressed that the establishment of sustainable peace and creation of conducive environment in Afghanistan will facilitate the return of Afghan refugees to their homeland in dignity and honor.

Pakistan reaffirms steadfast support

PM Khan highlighted Pakistan’s generosity in hosting millions of Afghan refugees for the last four decades.
He also noted that the people of Pakistan drew inspiration to host refugees from the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAWW).
He also highlighted the dire human rights and humanitarian situation in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir as a result of India’s illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019.
PM said that India’s belligerent rhetoric, intensified ceasefire violations on the LoC, and other aggressive actions are imperiling peace and security in the region.
He also highlighted the possibility of India’s false flag operation to divert global attention from its unacceptable actions in occupied Kashmir.
He underscored that the Kashmiri people continued to look to the United Nations to honour its commitments for the realization of their right to self-determination, as enshrined in numerous UN Security Council resolutions.
Prime Minister stressed that Climate Change poses an existential threat to mankind.
He assured the Secretary General that Pakistan will work hand in hand with the global community to pursue swift implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
He also highlighted the landmark 10 Billion Tree Tsunami.

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