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Pakistan vows support for the Kashmiri brethren on 13th July Martyrs Day

13 July, 2021 08:49

Pakistan vows support for the Kashmiri brethren on 13th July Martyrs Day.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri issued a statement on the occasion of Yaum-e-shuhada-e-Kashmir on Tuesday.

Pakistan vows support for the Kashmiri brethren

Pakistan reaffirmed support to the Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle against Indian oppression till the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

Furthermore, the statement said the government and people of Pakistan pay homage to the 22 sons of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Those 22 Kashmiris laid down their lives fighting the brutal Dogra forces in Srinagar in 1931.

The courage of these martyrs galvanized an unparalleled struggle for self-determination in 1931 that continues till date.

Chaudhri further said over 390 Kashmiris have embraced martyrdom at the hands of the Indian Occupation Forces in IIOJK since August 5th, 2019.

During this year alone, the Indian Occupation Forces have extra-judicially killed eighty-five innocent Kashmiris.

The martyrs included young boys and women; arbitrarily arrested and detained 537 Kashmiris; and destroyed 31 houses of Kashmiri people.

Moreover, the unabated Indian repression over the past seven decades, has failed to break the will of the Kashmiri people.

The Spokesperson said we once again call upon the international community, particularly the United Nations and human rights organizations, to investigate the persistent extra-judicial killings of Kashmiris by Indian Occupation Forces and bring the perpetrators of these heinous crimes to justice.


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