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Pakistani nation stands with their Kashmiri brethren:Sadiq Sanjrani

29 March, 2022 11:53

Islamabad -Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani says Pakistani nation stands with their Kashmiri lines who are fighting for their just beget.

Talking to Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi in Islamabad, he said Kashmiris and Pakistanis are tied in an ideological relationship which is grounded on strong foundations.
The Chairman Senate said that the PTI government in Azad Kashmir is moving in the right direction. He said that center will give full cooperation and support to the AJK government to insure timely completion of the ongoing development systems that have been initiated in different areas of the region.

AJK Prime Minister said the government has chalked out a comprehensive strategy to launch mega development systems in Azad Kashmir.
He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a number of mega development systems for the region. He said Azad Kashmir offers vast investment- openings in tourism, hydel, minerals and other sectors. He said the government is committed to insure the provision of installations to investors within Azad Kashmir.

AJK Prime Minister said timely completion of the development systems will marshal in a new period of development and substance in Azad Kashmir besides boosting tourism in the region.

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