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President Alvi hopes talks with dissident Balochs to create national unity

09 July, 2021 17:56

President Alvi hopes talks with dissident Balochs to create national unity.

In an interview with a private television channel, President Dr Arif Alvi Friday lauded the government’s decision to engage with dissident Baloch leaders.

President Alvi hopes talks with dissident Balochs to create national unity

However, government has excluded those involved in India-sponsored sabotage.

He further said that listening to the reservations of dissidents would bring in national unity.

The President noted Imran Khan had been calling for engaging with dissident Balochs since 2012.

But India-backed dissident not included among them.

He said using the Afghan soil, India had been promoting terrorism in Pakistan and exemplified the Kulbhushan Jadhave, recent bomb blast in Lahore and reports of RAW agents returning to India having failed to talk with Taliban.

The president viewed that Gwadar Port would change Balochistan economically.

Moreover, he said the resolution of Reko Diq case would bring in mineral wealth to change people’s lives there.

To another question, President Alvi said despite repeated incidents of enriched uranium trade in India, the international community was keeping mum.

“Had this happened in any Muslim state, there would have been a hue and cry. This is Islamophobia – to conceal other’s faults and play up Muslim’s wrongdoings… We have been telling the world what was happening in India but the world doesn’t care about,” he remarked.

India playing with fire

However, he said by fanning Islamophobia, India was playing with fire and distorting its own history and destroying its peace.

About the Afghan situation, the president said even if Taliban prevailed there, they should include all the communities to unite the nation.

He appreciated the Pakistan’s stance that it would be the Afghans to decide their future.

President Alvi said from the very first day, Imran Khan had been opposing the military action in Afghanistan.

He said though currently, the morality had no room in international affairs, Pakistan could give the world a leadership where the relations would be based on morality, not the power or interests.

MQM Altaf

As the interviewer said MQM chief Altaf Hussain was also reportedly seeking pardon, the president said “I think he has no future.”

He said Altaf Hussain destroyed Karachi through bloodshed and arsons.

He referred Altaf had opposed the creation of Pakistan and sought asylum in India.

President Alvi further said the way, Altaf Hussain destroyed Karachi, he should now seek forgiveness from Allah.

However, consequent to the government’s efforts, the people of Karachi had buried the philosophy of MQM led by Altaf Hussain.


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