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Seven aspirants qualified to contest Iranian presidential election

25 May, 2021 09:32

Seven aspirants qualified to contest Iranian presidential election.

In this regard, the Constitutional Council of Iran approved the qualification of seven applicants.

Seven aspirants qualified to contest Iranian presidential election

According to the spokesman of the council, aforesaid 7 can contest the race in the upcoming presidential election.

Council’s spokesman, Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei further said that the qualification process of the presidential election nominees concluded yesterday (after days of numerous sessions).

He said they handed over the final list of the qualified candidates to the country’s Interior Ministry late last night.

Iran will hold the 13th presidential election on June 18.

The vetting body was examining the qualifications of more than 590 candidates who registered to run for president for days.

As many as 1636 aspirants had sought to contest election in 2017.

But, vetting process left only six of them qualified to contest the election.

Interestingly, some quarters had been projecting Saeed Mohammad as the most favourite candidate.

But he failed to meet the requirements of a presidential contestant.


Similarly, the so-called reformist and moderate groupings were projecting Dr Ali Larijani and Eshaq Jahangiri as two strong candidates but they too failed.

However, the council declared Abdolnaser Hemmati eligible to contest.

He is now serving as governor central bank of Iran.

Politically, he has remained affiliated with the Hashemi Rafsanjani group.

However, late Rafsanjani’s son Mohsen Hashemi could not qualify although he serves as chairman city council Tehran.




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