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Shah Mahmood Qureshi calls for bolstering the agriculture productivity

07 July, 2021 11:02

Shah Mahmood Qureshi calls for bolstering the agriculture productivity.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi emphasized the need to do so, while addressing an event regarding smart agriculture and food security in Islamabad on Wednesday.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi calls for bolstering the agriculture productivity

He appreciated the National Agriculture Research Center for coming up with different solutions relating to the agriculture sector.

Moreover, he also highlighting the problems which the people of Thar are facing with.

The Minister said Prime Minister Imran Khan had announced a water project for the people of the area.

However, he regretted that the Sindh government created obstacles in the way of the project.

On the other hand, Qureshi said Pakistan-China all weather strategic cooperative partnership has become an anchor for peace and stability in the region.

He expressed these views, while addressing a conference regarding Pakistan-China bilateral relationship.

He further said both the countries support each other on their respective core issues. P

Pakistan has always upheld ‘One-China Policy’ and supported China on Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and South China Sea issues.

He said China has stood by Pakistan in supporting our key strategic, economic and developmental priorities. He said China has supported Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir dispute.


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