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SHC requested for only urgent cases hearing due to rise in Coronavirus

27 April, 2021 09:38

SHC requested for only urgent cases hearing due to rise in Coronavirus.

In this regard, Sindh government has requested the Sindh High Court (SHC)n to only allow hearings of urgent court cases.

The provincial government’s spokesperson Murtaza Wahab also posted this in a tweet.

SHC requested for only urgent cases hearing due to rise in Coronavirus

He also posted a copy of the letter he sent to SHC Chief Justice Ahmed Ali Shaikh.

In pursuance of decisions of Provincial Task Force on Coronavirus, Sindh Government requested Chief Justice of Sindh High Court to only take up urgent court matters so that the Hon’ble Judges, learned lawyers, court staff & litigants stay protected.

Murtaza Wahab referred to the recent spike in active cases of COVID-19 and the rising death toll because of it.

Furthermore, he stated that the provincial task force on Coronavirus is monitoring the situation daily.

Besides, it has taken multiple measures to curtail the spread of the virus.

Moreover, the spokesman lauded the SHC CJ for taking very effective and efficient measures in controlling and containing the severity of the disease in the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The current situation demands reiteration of the similar earlier administrative measures taken and implemented by your honour last year. I would, therefore, request and urge if the routine court work is suspended and only matters of urgent nature ore fixed for hearing,” said Wahab in the letter.


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