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Sri Lankan Buddhist monks visit an archaeological site Sirkap in Taxila

22 April, 2021 10:02

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks visit an archaeological site Sirkap in Taxila today (Thursday).

The delegation of Sri Lankan Buddhist monks currently visiting Pakistan.

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks visit an archaeological site Sirkap

The ancient remains of Sirkap for their outstanding historical and architectural importance have been declared protect antiquity.

A member of the delegation Dr. Assaji Thero noted Taxila as one of the great places for the tourists to visit.

Because it has a rich cultural and historical heritage.

He further said the relics at this place show how the followers of different religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity lived together with harmony.

He said as a Buddhist place, we will highly encourage our people to come to Pakistan and visit Taxila from where they can get vast knowledge about the mix of cultures.

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks meet President Dr Arif Alvi

Meanwhile, President Arif Alvi said people to people contacts and religious tourism provide excellent platforms to further expand bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

He made these remarks while talking to the delegation of Sri Lankan Buddhist monks.

Furthermore, he said Pakistan houses the Gandhara Buddhist heritage.

He noted Pakistan a proud custodian of some of the most sacred relics of Buddha.

That offers great potential for promoting religious tourism from Sri Lanka to Pakistan.

Moreover, the President asked the delegation to encourage the monks and people of Sri Lanka to visit the Buddhist religious sites in Pakistan.

Because it has far greater number of Buddhist artefacts than any other country in the world.


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