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Tabu reveals who gave her expensive gifts during shoot of ‘Om Shanti Om’

02 July, 2024 15:54

Bollywood actress Tabu, whose actual name is Tabassum Fatima Hashmi, has revealed that Shah Rukh Khan gave her an expensive gift during the shooting of the famous movie Om Shanti Om song.

According to Indian media, during an interview, actress Tabu said that many people wanted to see her and Shah Rukh Khan work together. I worked with Shah Rukh in the song Dewangi Dewangi in director Farah Khan’s hit film Om Shanti Om, she added. The actress said that she did this work for Farah Khan, which she enjoyed doing. Besides, she was given nice clothes, nice hair styles and make-up for shooting the song. Shah Rukh Khan gave me very expensive gifts during the shooting, she added.

It should be noted that the movie Om Shanti Om was released on November 9, 2007 and the song Dewangi Dewangi was very popular among the people.

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