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Trump touted antimalarial drug to fight COVID 19 against experts advice

06 April, 2020 13:49

Trump touted antimalarial drug to fight COVID 19 against experts advice.

US President Donald Trump again brought a bad name to his reputation by enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine as a drug to combat Coronavirus disease. 

Trump touted antimalarial drug
The White House coronavirus task force had its biggest fight yet on Saturday, pitting economic adviser Peter Navarro against infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci.
They differed on how enthusiastically should the White House tout the prospects of an antimalarial drug to fight COVID-19.
Behind the scenes, this drama erupted into an epic Situation Room showdown.
Trump’s coronavirus task force gathered in the White House Situation Room on Saturday at about 1:30pm, according to four sources familiar with the conversation.
Vice President Mike Pence sat at the head of the table.
The Situation Room witnessed heated disagreement over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine — but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided.
Because President Donald Trump’s top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug’s unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.
The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force.
Medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn’t ultimately work to combat the virus.
But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro.
Navarro still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.
Numerous government officials, including Fauci, coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, Jared Kushner, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and Commissioner of Food and Drugs Stephen Hahn attended.

Behind them sat staff, including Peter Navarro, tapped by Trump to compel private companies to meet the government’s coronavirus needs under the Defense Production Act.

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