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UAE issues clarification on visa restriction for Pakistanis

05 August, 2024 19:44

In a recent statement, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Consul General Dr. Bakheet Ateeq Al Remeithi clarified that there are no visa restrictions for Pakistani citizens traveling to the UAE.

The announcement comes after reports surfaced of difficulties faced by residents of Sindh province in obtaining visas.

Dr. Al Remeithi said that the UAE provides “100% facilities” for Pakistanis seeking visas, including businessmen, workers, and those traveling for medical treatment.

To ensure a smooth travel experience, the Karachi Consulate has launched a special awareness program, advising individuals to avoid carrying prohibited items and pack their luggage themselves.

Additionally, the UAE plans to introduce a new program for the business community, offering comprehensive facilities for those looking to travel to the UAE for business or establish partnerships with UAE companies in Pakistan.

The Consul General’s statement aims to alleviate concerns and promote a hassle-free travel experience for Pakistanis visiting the UAE. With the new program set to launch soon, business travelers can expect streamlined processes and increased cooperation between the two nations.

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