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Rahul Gandhi rejects Indian Home Minister claim on defending borders

09 June, 2020 16:04

Rahul Gandhi rejects Indian Home Minister claim on defending borders.

BJP leader and Home Minister Amit Shah had claimed that Modi government has successfully protected Indian borders.

Rahul Gandhi rejects Indian Home Minister claim

But Indian Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi has rejected this claim.

In a tweet, Rahul, tagging Shah’s statement said, everyone knows what the reality at the borders is.

While addressing a virtual public rally in Bihar, Amit Shah had boasted that surgical strikes in Uri, Baramulla was proof of India’s solid defense policy.

Meanwhile, an American defence analyst Colonel (retired) Wes Martin discussed India’s aggressive actions along Line-of-Control in Jammu and Kashmir.

In an article in international news service, United Press International Martin, he wrote Indian patrols have become more aggressive, as if pushing for a hostile exchange of gunfire.

He said instead of taking one step toward peace with Pakistan Modi is increasing tension on the Line-of-Control with Pakistan.

He called for pressuring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to end his aggressive actions along Line-of-Control in Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Indian troops martyred four more Kashmiri youth in Shopian district on Monday.

President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, (AJK) Sardar Masood Khan called upon the global community to initiate “boycott, divestment and sanctions” campaign against India.

While addressing the conference, he demanded BDS campaign to prevent India from carrying out genocide in Kashmir and persecution of minorities in India.

All Party’s International Kashmir Unity Conference held under the aegis of Global Pakistan and Kashmir Supreme Council through a video link.

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