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Biden You Can’t Hide, Demonstration Against Attack on Gaza Hospital

15 November, 2023 10:41

Washington (Web Deaadk) ; Demonstrators have gathered in front of the White House in Washington to protest against the attack on Shifa Hospital in Gaza. According to foreign media, the protestors chanted, “Biden, you cannot hide, you are responsible for the massacre.

On the other hand, the Israeli army reached the basement of Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

According to the spokesperson of Shifa Hospital, the Israeli army has started searching the basement, while the flights of the Israeli Air Force are also continuing over the hospital. Shifa Hospital Director Health Dr. Munir Barish says that he will not leave his office and go out. The DG of Health of Gaza says that the Israeli personnel have opened fire on those passing through the safe corridor in Shifa Hospital.

In addition, a case has been filed against US President Joe Biden and 2 members of his cabinet for their involvement in and failure to stop the genocide in Gaza. According to foreign media, this case has been filed by a human rights group in America.


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