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Kaleem Imam to stay as IG Sindh until appointment of his successor

18 January, 2020 10:54

Kaleem Imam to stay as IG Sindh until appointment of his successor, federal government informed the provincial government.

Establishment Division has sent a reply to Sindh government’s recommendation for transfer of Kaleem Imam as IG police.

Sources disclosed that establishment division informed that federal government was considering in this regard.

Kaleem Imam to stay as IG

However, it also apprised the Sindh government that Kaleem Imam would continue as IG until further orders.

Federal government will not appoint anyone as acting IG police in the meantime.

Centre disagrees with Sindh government

Federal government disagreed with Sindh government over new nominee.

The federal government recommended ex-chief of Karachi Police Dr Amir Ahmed Shaikh, Additional IG Ghulam Nabi Memon and AIG Establishment and Training Dr Aftab Ahmed Pathan.
Although adviser to the Sindh Chief Minister on Law, Barrister Murtaza Wahab claimed no difference over new IG with the Centre, the latter’s nominees showed differences.
On the one hand, Sindh and Centre remain on different page on the new IG, and on the other police department also defended IG Kaleem Imam.
A private news channel reported police department’s rejoinder to provincial government’s charge sheet against Kaleem Imam. It blamed political interference behind developments relating to Kaleem Imam.
On 15th January, 2020, Sindh cabinet approved removal of Kaleem Imam as IG police due to complaints.
The cabinet made this approval during an emergency meeting which Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah presided.


Sindh government stance

Meanwhile, Minister Saeed Ghani referred to irresponsible attitude and statements as the cause behind Sindh cabinet decision.
Moreover, Chief Minister asserted that he wants to keep the police separate from the politics.
He said that the police chief should refrain from giving political statements. He taunted him suggesting that the police officer fond of politics should do politics.
Non-cooperation with the Sindh government, failure to implement directives issued from the CM House, and frequent absence in key meetings of the government mentioned as reasons.

GTV reported in December

In December last year, absence of IG police had irked Sindh cabinet.



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