Thu, 4 Jul 2024
( 28 Dhul Hijjah 1445 )

Nepra revises fixed changes on electricity bills

02 July, 2024 14:14

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority has revised fixed charges on electricity bills from July 01.

However, the new charges won’t be applicable on those who use 200 units.

As per the notification, an additional R200 will be charged from consumers of 301 to 400 units, those who consumed 401 to 500 units will pay additional Rs400, while 501 to 600 units will have to bare additional Rs600 per month.

Similarly, those who consume 601 to 700 units will be charged Rs800 per month, and Rs1000 will be charged per month while from users of more than 700 units.

The purpose of increasing these fixed charges is to increase the revenue of the electricity distribution companies (Discos).

A part from that, Commercial consumers having load less than 5kW will also pay Rs1,000.

However, those commercial users of electricity having load of 5kW and above will pay now Rs2,000 from the existing Rs500, showing an increase of 300 percent.

Industrial consumers who fall in B1 category using up to 25kW under ToU metering will pay Rs1,000. However, consumers of B2 category using up to 500kW will witness an increase in fixed charges of 300 percent as they will now pay Rs2,000 instead of existing Rs500 a month fixed charges.

The B3 category industrial consumers using 5,000kW will pay fixed charges with an increase of 335 percent to Rs2,000 from Rs460 a month. The B4 category consumers using all loads will also experience the 355pc increase in fixed charges as now they will pay Rs2,000 a month from the existing Rs440.

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